SmartCity Technology by SmartClick

Another exciting milestone for SmartClick!

We’re developing artificial intelligence-powered SmartCity technology to help improve city infrastructure and performance of urban services. Our technology delivers large-scale integrated solutions that work best for building smarter cities.

The integration of AI-enabled smart technology aims primarily to enhance the quality of life for citizens through addressing complex challenges related to traffic management, city transport, street lighting, public safety, and other aspects.

Employing artificial intelligence-based technologies for traffic management allows for smarter solutions to control the flow of traffic, reduce congestions, and improve resource management. Data generated through an automated traffic monitoring system serves to assess the structure of traffic flow, its intensity, speed, and to identify the problems in the realm of traffic management.

SmartCity Technology by SmartClick

Public transportation is another industry that can significantly benefit from the application of AI-powered technologies. Some of the key challenges AI can solve in transportation include safety, reliability, and efficiency. Using AI for monitoring safety regulation compliance, optimal route scheduling, real-time route adjustment capabilities, and getting data-driven insights on routes and driver behavior, make it a viable solution for enhancing the overall transportation planning process.

Smart city infrastructure is not complete without smart lighting. AI-based solutions may be adopted for reducing the consumption of energy, monitoring street lighting based on the presence of pedestrians, regulating pedestrian waiting times, or else leverage intelligent lamp posts with sensors and public WiFi hotspots.

Another key component of building a smart city is to provide public safety for its citizens. Complete face identification and authentication solutions may contribute to the enhancement of public safety and security. The integration of fast and accurate facial recognition systems will allow for heightening security parameters and increasing surveillance capabilities across a vast range of sectors and locations.

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